FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What exactly is Paper Swap?

    • Paper Swap is a state-of-the-art crypto trading simulation platform. It provides users with an environment to practice and refine their trading strategies using real-time market data, without the risk of actual financial losses.

  2. Is real money involved in trading on Paper Swap?

    • No, all trading activities on Paper Swap are purely simulated. Users trade with Paper ETH, a faux currency, ensuring there's no real financial implication while providing an authentic trading experience.

  3. How does Paper Swap ensure the privacy of its users?

    • We take user privacy very seriously. All personal information is encrypted and stored securely. Moreover, trading data and activities are anonymized, ensuring users can trade with complete peace of mind.

  4. Do I need prior trading experience to use Paper Swap?

    • Not at all! Paper Swap is designed for both experienced traders and newcomers. Its intuitive interface and risk-free environment make it perfect for anyone looking to delve into the world of crypto trading.

  5. How do you source real-time market data?

    • Paper Swap integrates with live market feeds to fetch real-time ERC20 token data, ensuring that the simulated trading environment closely mirrors current market conditions.

  6. Can I interact with other traders on the platform?

    • While Paper Swap primarily focuses on individual trading simulations, we have a leaderboard feature that showcases top traders, fostering a competitive yet collaborative community spirit.

  7. What measures are in place to ensure the platform's security?

    • Paper Swap employs industry-standard security protocols. This includes end-to-end encryption, periodic security audits, and we will be also considering multi-factor authentication to safeguard user data and activities.

  8. Is there a mobile version or app for Paper Swap?

    • As of now, Paper Swap is best experienced on desktop platforms. However, we're constantly innovating and exploring possibilities, so stay tuned for updates regarding mobile accessibility.

  9. How can I benefit from the leaderboard and revenue-sharing model?

    • Top-performing traders, based on certain eligibility criteria, get a chance to share in the platform's revenue. This not only monetarily rewards their prowess but also encourages healthy competition.

  10. How frequently is the Paper ETH balance reset or topped up?

  • The Paper ETH balance is needed to be deposited upon registration. Users can "deposit" more based on certain criteria and eligibility tiers. Every week, you are able to deposit based on your eligibility, which is in the eligibility section.

Last updated