💼Funding Introduction

How can you potentially get funded with Paper Swap?

Paper Swap will be giving (ELIGIBILE) traders an opportunity to be funded.

  1. Active and Consistent Trading: Engage in regular trading activities on Paper Swap. Consistency is key, as it demonstrates your commitment and skill in trading.

  2. Profitability: Strive to be among the most profitable traders. This involves not just making successful trades but also managing your risks effectively to ensure overall profitability.

  3. Performance Tracking: Remember that every transaction and trade you make is tracked and recorded. This means your trading strategy and decisions should be data-driven, taking into account past performance and market analysis.

  4. Monthly Review: At the end of each month, the platform reviews the trading logs to identify the top-performing traders. Aim to be at the top of this list by focusing on your profitability and trading strategy.

Last updated